
Qualities of a Good Coach

As Kettlebell Sport grows in popularity, lifters should carefully consider the following qualities before hiring a coach: 1-Humble Attitude- A good coach will always show respect and deference toward others. It’s not just displayed in their behavior, but also their way of thinking. Good coaches approach all individuals in the same manner – no one is more important, and no one is less important. A good coach doesn’t have to do the ‘sell’, they lead by example without having to tell you how good they are.  2-Professionalism & Passion- A good coach possesses integrity, honesty and positive reinforcement toward their students. Their love of the sport will be obvious, as well as their involvement in the growth of the sport. 3-Logistics For Remote Training- – How will your training be programmed: online, phone call? – How will the coach view and give feedback on your sets? – How often will you be able to communicate with them each week? – Will they be available to answer your questions, to send or receive video or meet with you on Skype? 4-Welcomes Questions- A good coach will welcome questions regarding the sport, not make you feel intimidated to ask them. If they don’t have an immediate response, they will make it their business to find the answer and get back to you when possible. They should be capable of saying “I don’t know”. 5-Referrals & Suggestions- When necessary, a good coach will be able to offer recommendations for nutrition, body worker, chiropractor or the like, whom they either know personally or have associations through other professionals. 6-Personality- Perhaps you imagine that I advise you to seek a coach with whom you feel good and have a rapport. Well, I’m not. The way I see it, the coach’s temperament is irrelevant. What’s important is that they listen, understand and do their part to bring out the best in each student. In the same vein, it’s not their job to be a cheerleader, complimenting you when you have not performed well. If they happen to be ‘nice’ or ‘friendly’, well that’s terrific. But at the end of the day, you chose to engage in this sport. Figure out what you want out of it: If you want to win or earn ranks and titles, you will choose a coach that will help you to win and earn ranks and titles. 7-Results & Reputation- A good coach has a good track record. What kind of results have they produced with other athletes? If asked, they should easily offer a few students who can attest to a positive training experience with them. Have they, themselves, competed? If not, what is their background in sports? 8-General Physical Preparation- A good coach will help you with GPP, recommending lifts for strength and conditioning in addition to drills for overcoming weaknesses. They make suggestions toward reducing the occurrence of any possible injuries, creating longevity in your lifting career. 9-Encourages Students To Compete- A good coach will encourage you to compete at any events you’re interested in attending, regardless of the hosting affiliation. They will also attend the events when possible. 10-Actual Teaching- A competent coach will elucidate and teach the technical elements involved in the required lifts, offering detailed instruction, not just programming. 11-Caring- A good coach will encourage you to expand your vision of yourself, as opposed to telling you that your high-reaching goals are unattainable. Caring may be exhibited directly or indirectly, but when you train with a coach that cares about you and your progress, you will feel it. 12-Creativity- Good coaches find various ways to bring about the best in their students; analogies, imagery, visual cues, verbal cues and new strategies, in addition to the tried and true methods. 13- Psychological Preparation- A good coach knows how important proper focus is to the success of a lifer and will have the tools necessary to guide you in your mental preparation leading up to competition day. Enjoy the Journey!

How would it feel to be Strong, Leaner, and more confident in your body?