I hate to say “Senior” to Lorna, because her skill in Girevoy Sport FAR exceeds my own. I never had a desire to compete in the sport, but Lorna did. (And she took it to the absolutely highest level you can achieve–setting records in the process and becoming the first person in the states to do so!)
I am, however, humbled enough to say that KettleBell Concepts has had a part in helping train this two-time world champion (and Level 1 KBC Instructor!) Lorna’s dedication to kettlebell training is second to none. She works exceptionally well with women and helps them break down the various misconceptions that exist not only around kettlebell training, but resistance training in general. (And they are STILL out there!)
The era of the “drill instructor” fitness professional is, thank God, over. You want a highly trained, highly qualified professional who knows when to push, when to listen, when to back off, and when to push some more. Additionally, very few people can balance their own competitive drives and ambitions with the needs and wants of the average client. I am quite convinced that–in part no doubt due to her years of experience and incredible training in body work–Lorna is able to manage these two extremes (and they are extremes) very, very well.
Seek Lorna out. It will absolutely be worth your time.