

It’s Your Decision

Over the years many clients and friends have asked me how I keep doing… whatever it is I’m doing, particularly in the realm of training for Kettlebell Sport competitions. I think they imagine that I jump out of bed each morning before the alarm, at the crack of dawn, to go out running, then to the gym for a lifting session and then home for a protein-rich meal. All before 7am!

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An Introduction to Kettlebell Sport

Kettlebell Sport, also known as Girevoy Sport (GS), is a highly challenging power-endurance feat of a cyclical nature. Lifters’ success involves technique, flexibility, strength, proper breathing patterns, aerobic capacity, stability, and mental focus.  As opposed to Olympic or Power Lifting, traditional GS events require an athlete to lift a sub-maximal load, completing as many repetitions

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Best Protein Sources for Vegans

A few years ago 3 of my close friends simultaneously became vegans. While I’ve cut out many animal foods from my diet, including pork products, I’m far from vegan. But I truly admire what they’re doing and contemplate daily the problems that meat consumption causes to our environment and health, as well as the welfare of animals.

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